How to pinpoint the real issue causing misalignment.

What makes you most nervous?”

I’m all about optimism, silver linings and glasses half-full. But sometimes it helps to consider what could be around the corner or coming out of left-field.

I asked this question of a CEO this week. The look on her face was like light dawning.

“Our brand,” was her answer. But whether it was brand, marketing or something else was beside the point.

What mattered was that clarity gave the business direction on where to focus and what needs attention. It’s a different way in, to pinpoint the Real Issue—in the midst of All The Issues.

The natural next questions are “Why?” and “What would it take to feel confident?”—and then you’re in motion. All the moving parts involved start moving. Momentum!

I invite you to ask this question of yourself and your teams this week. Consider the flip-side and get some foresight.

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